He dropped so many hints leading up to the long-awaited proposal, but I was still somehow convinced that we were going to help our friend, Wallace, photograph his proposal to his girlfriend this past Sunday.
This month, Daniel kept reminding me to keep that day free. I was actually reluctant to go and would tell him I’d just meet him at my parent’s for dinner afterwards. I also admitted to him that I didn’t want to see someone else live their best life, only because I was tired of people asking me when it was my turn! LOL
He said he would notice I’m missing and reassured me that it would only take 30 minutes (and also promised to take me to Maeli Market to get Asian snacks afterwards), so I sucked it up when the day came and put on the same outfit from the previous day.
We arrived at Polson Pier “early” with a few friends to scout a location for Wallace.

I suggested to Daniel that he should get a photo with the CN Tower in the background, and feature the lil’ bush that was growing on the side of the boardwalk for some added colour. I also suggested to the group that we should hide behind the fence, so that “she” wouldn’t notice us.
Wallace eventually showed up with a collared shirt and looked ready. He talked about how nervous he was, how he asked her parents for permission and how great it was that the rain has stopped and the sun was beaming down on the water. At this point, I believed he was going to propose to his girlfriend.
As more people arrived, Daniel wanted to take a few test shots with me while our friends, Jess and Michael, were behind the cameras. I was fooling around and pretending like it was my proposal by acting shocked and sticking out my hand until I noticed Daniel’s expression quickly change. Before I knew it, he said, “SURPRISE! This is actually for you.” I was confused and asked Jess if she was done photographing yet, and wondered when Wallace would tell us to move out the way.

When I saw the exact ring I had saved on my Pinterest inside the box, I realized this wasn’t a joke anymore and everything started to click.
From my cousin insisting on us getting our nails done this month… to my sister saying she wasn’t seeing our parents for dinner this week… to the CN Tower backdrop… and to Daniel being in the test shots with me when he’s supposed to the photographer, there were so many clues I tried to ignore to avoid disappointment.
It’s crazy to think we’ve grown up together these last eight years. We watched each other graduate university, land full-time jobs, become an aunt/uncle, and we even bought our first home together. Everything felt so easy, right and safe with him, and I feel like I couldn’t have picked a better partner.

Now I know what girls mean when they say it’s the easiest “yes.”
He tried to tell everyone afterwards how I didn't want to show up. LOL He surprised me with an engagement party in our condo’s party room, and it was so special to be able to share the excitement with all of our favourite people. We were showered with love, flowers, kind words, champagne and desserts, and there’s nothing I would change for how this day unfolded.
I want to give a huge thanks to our photographers, videographers, ring assistant, older sisters, parents, and all those who missioned to be there to celebrate with us. You each played a special part in our story over the years.
I’ve been living in a daze these last three days, but I’m so full of gratitude and joy.
I was also a woman possessed. I spent about 80% of my time talking about Regina the ring, and the other 20% of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring her up so I could talk about her more. It just kept coming up like word vomit. LOL
I’m officially N-gai-ged y’all!!!

Daniel got on one knee and said, “I know you asked for like eight carats," and pulls out a mini Tupperware with eight baby carrots in it. I thought it was all a prank, so I played along and took a carrot. He said he was joking and pulled out a black box. I told him to hold on so that I could toss my carrot into the water. I was still confused and had to ask if Wallace was doing this after us, and he said, "No, this is for youuu. There's no Wallace."

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