I have so many exciting things I want to share with you guys, but I have no idea where to start! I guess it would make sense to go all the way back to early April and tell you guys my reasons for not updating my blog frequently.

Around that time, my school was (and is) still on strike. I was low key panicking because I had no idea if I would finish my classes on time to graduate in June. On the bright side, this unexpected hiatus gave me more time to look for a full-time job, take driving lessons, spend time with my 6-month-old niece and catch up with my girlfriends. ☀️

Although I was keeping busy, I found it hard to enjoy myself and be fully present in the moment. My mind would just focus on all the job rejections I got and I started to believe that this was some sort of karma that I deserved. I soon realized that giving power to these bad thoughts and comparing myself to other people was not going to move me further ahead or improve my situation.

I decided that the best thing to do was to change my mindset. I started thinking, "What if it DOES work out?" instead of, "What if it doesn't work out..." every time I questioned my qualifications for a job or felt uneasy after an interview. I started to push myself to apply to at least 20 jobs every week. I started seeing every interview as a learning experience. I started thinking about what employers valued and wanted to see on my cover letter, instead of what I thought sounded good. I started realizing that asking others for help doesn't mean that I failed. I even considered other paths, like pursuing a master degree, because I didn't want to disappoint my parents for not finding a job right away.

Fast forward to a few weeks later, I realized that all of these rejections did not define my worth and were actually leading me to something even greater than what I had imagined for myself. Having said that, I'm SO excited to tell you guys that I'm now working as a digital strategist for one of the top ranked schools in the world!!! 🎓

This job is all of my interests wrapped into one - web design, social media, digital marketing, blogging and photography! Who knew this type of job existed?! Every week flies by and I'm having so much fun! I'm truly grateful for all the work experiences and connections that have led me to this job.

On top of that, I got my full driver's license two days after I was presented with this job offer and my convocation happened last Thursday!!! 😀✨💪🏻 I definitely want to give credit for all of my achievements to my strong support system, who were there for me every step of the way. I am endlessly thankful for my sister, parents, Mya, Vaish, Monica, Daniel, Alpha and Fab 4!!!!!!! 💛💛💛

Before I end this post, I just want to remind those of you who are still figuring it out that...
- It is OK to not have a job lined up right after you graduate!
- Heck, it is OK to get a job unrelated to your degree! What you're into now is obviously different than what you liked when you were 18. You're changing, learning and discovering more about yourself with each passing day.
- It is OK to travel first and find a job after!
- It is OK to not know what you want to do for a living yet, but you still won't know until you work different jobs, talk to people in your interested field, or try out a new hobby.
- Lastly, it is OK that you're not following the same timeline as your friends. There really is no correct path.

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